Thursday, April 21, 2011

Drinking & Driving

Yes , we all know that drinking and driving is very bad. But I'm going to blog about the more emotional damage it can do you rather than the physical damage everyone talks about. Of course physical damage is just as big part in drinking & driving as the emotional and moral damage - but I would like to address the emotional factor. I always remember when I was younger I was told that my father had a big scar on his face from his car breaking down and going out of control, but now that I'm older I found out that it was because of him drinking and driving. This had an impact on me of course because one, I was mad that I was lied to and secondly the fact that it was something so stupid he did made me upset and my respect level of him went down. I think people who drink and drive are either really stupid, or just have huge problems and need help. Emotional factors such as; family problems, relationship problems, friendship problems, work, social life, etc can all play a role into why people drink and drive. I believe if we had more people that are willing to help out others then the count for drunk drivers would decrease a little bit more. Before the event occurs, many things could be running through the drivers head such as " why am I doing this?" , "who am I?", and "what the hell is wrong with me?". After the event happens, I believe the driver is an emotional wreck especially if they got into an accident. They would have that guilty feeling with them for the rest of their lives, think about it everyday, and wish they hadn't of done it. I believe drinking and driving can be stopped. Call a friend, family member or take a cab. Don't ever drive when you have been drinking!

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