Friday, April 8, 2011


Relationships play a big role in our everyday lives these days, and it seems like their getting more popular as the years progress. Were surrounded by many relationships in the media, such as movie couples (example Jack and Rose in Titanic), News tabloids (Prince Charles, and Kate Middleton), Movie Stars (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), and even in your own home if your parents are still together, or your siblings are in a relationship. At this age I believ the most that we see relationships are in our friends group. This has great effect on people that are single because I think that it makes them feel pressured to be in a relationship. Lately all my friends that are in a relationship (including family members) are having troubles about their significant other, and find it easy to talk to talk to me about their problems. I was okay with it at first but now I am really getting annoyed with them because all they do is complain about each other. I believe that media has portrayed our values about relationships because people expect them to be 'perfect' like in the romantic comedy movies. It promotes unrealistic expectations for your relationship, which in the end weakens your emotional levels. The article from BBC "Rom-coms 'spoil your love life'' says that " They found fans of films such as Runaway Bride and Notting hill often fail to communicate with their partner after watching the movie.'. This is a perfect example of how media is changing our values of relationships. In this picture above, it looks like this couple is so happy and that nothing else in the world matters to them besides each other. This is nice to know that there are still couples out there that know what true love is, and still have it in their lives. Yet again this couple could of been taken for an advertisement and there is no true love involved, and is portraying our values of a perfect relationship.

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