Friday, April 1, 2011


The movie beastly is a remake of Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast. It is more modern and obviously does not have cartoon characters but has real people as actors. I watched it with my friend and her step mom, and we all really enjoyed it. I like how it was in modern times because I could relater to it. The main character is a senior at High School, who is popular and goodlooking but way to cocky. He think that the world evolves around him, and that everyone should bend down as he walks by. I have a friend that reminds me of him because he's the exact same way, and I get really annoyed by him. In the movie the cocky boy gets turned into a very ugly boy because of a curse that his highschool enemy put on him ( she's a witch). I would like this to happen to my friend so he can realise that it's not all about looks and popularity, but something more deep than that. In the end the ugly boy finds his true love, and learns how to treat his new found love in a proper, gentleman-like manner. I feel as though this story is great for all audiences and should be appropriate for all age groups to watch. There are many lessons to learn from this movie and the few that i got from it are: love should be more than just looks, treat everyone with the same respect, do not judge people, and make room to grow from new experiences. This was a great movie and i give it a 4.5 stars!

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