Friday, March 25, 2011


'Man I love college' lyrics from Asher Roth. In highschool, college life seems unreal. Partying, no guardians, new friends, new experiences, etc. I believe highschool kids believe this because of songs and movies such as I love college by Asher Roth, and Animal House. I, myself have many friends that are in college and university and say it really isn't like the movies and songs describe it to be. They say that much work and studying is to be done, so they cannot party to hard or they will see their moeny go down the drain - which would not make them happy. I applied to college for this fall, and it has been one hard road! I applied to 5 colleges: Canadore, Cambrian, George Brown, Georgian, and Fanshawe. I applied to take a dental hygiene course. I had to travel to Barrie to write an aptitude HOAE exam at the georgian campus for them and Canadore, then I had to travel to Toronto to write a seperate exam just for George Brown. This was a very tiring experience trying to get it off work, and studying extra hard. Also the program is very high demanding so it is really hard to get into, so therefore it was late acceptances. I have gotten 2 letters so far saying I am on the waiting list for Canadore and Georgian, as well as an offer of admissions for Georgian's program Pre-Health. I am waiting to accept that because I may hear something from the other colleges I have applied to! So with all this stress from applying for college, writing extra exams for college, and waiting to be accepted for college- I hope I have just a good of time as Asher Roth and the gang of Animal House did while they were in College.

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