Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NHL Stanley Cup Finals

It's the time of the season where all hockey fans are very excited, and nervous. The last game is tomorrow, Wednesday June 15th between the Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks. It is being held on couvy ice, and will be one of the biggest games in history. The first 2 games in the series, the Canucks held up very well by winning both on their homeland ice. Games 3&4 were held in Boston and the Bruins showed everyone of how serious they were about bringing the heat, they won both games so the series was tied 2-2. Back on Vancouver land for game 5 Canucks bring back the lead in the series with a win. Game 6 in Boston, Bruins score 5-2 on Canucks, and the Couvy fans were rattled. The Stanley Cup could have been in the Canucks hands but they choked hard, and let Boston win. Series is now tied 3-3 and hopefully Vancouver wins tomorrow night on their own ice, because that would be amazing and it would give Canada what they want. With the last few games of the Stanley Cup play offs media has been really addressing people out there, with TV& Radio commericials, ads, and pictures - everyone in Canada is most likely aware of the big game on Wednesday. My friends and I are all cheering for Vancouver - with only a few of them chanting for Boston, but I think that's what makes following with hockey so fun because there is also going to be competition between my friends and I. It is also fun to place bets and such because it's exciting and you get a thrill from it. Hockey rocks... so does Vancouver <3

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