Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Photo Retouching

This is a video that I found appropriate for this topic ;

Here are some photos that are photo shopped as well ;

In my opinion, photo retouching has gotten way out of hand. Yes it is 2011 and the technology is amazing and lets us do amazing things, but retouching about 99% of advertisements out there is unrealistic. This affects many different people, but especially the young women. The pictures that they see in magazines, billboards, and the internet are not a reliable source of letting them see other women's beauty. It perceives them to think that all women look perfect (whether it be their hair, eyes, lips, cheek bones, neck, breasts, stomach, thighs, etc) and that they should look like that too. This is definitely wrong because there is no way someone can be as 'perfect' as the photo shopped models are. Young women around the world are struggling to be like the photo shopped models and are hurting themselves physically, mentally, morally, and emotionally. The little knowledge I have about Photoshop helps me realize that the women in the magazine are not real! So therefore I do not put the stress on myself about looking "perfect' like they do. Although many people disagree with the photo retouching, it does have a few benefits such as special effects if you’re doing a movie, or just wanting to have one perfect picture of yourself, but i believe strongly that it has gone too far in our society.

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