Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Audience Negotiates Meaning (#3)

I believe personally, that if a movie is going through the process of test screening it will be good for the audience, and they will be getting what they want. I believe in this because if a movie is getting test screened at least 3 times, and a maximum of 10 with different audiences each time then the researchers are doing something right and useful each time. Since the researchers are watching how the audience members react to certain parts of the movie, it helps the producers to know what to take out or put in, etc for the movie. Also there are many different types of people in each audience, so some will like certain scenes more than others - therefore giving the producers lots of feedback, good and bad but still making the movie enjoyable for everyone. Test screening for comedies, action flicks, and thrillers are very crucial because it can really help the producers make decisions about the movie. Such as jokes that people don't find funny or may find offensive, confusing parts, unrealistic action scenes, or just plain stupid scenes in their movie.

I love the first Jaws, and Jaws 2 is okay, but Jaws 3 was a joke..

If I could have been part of the test screening for Jaws 3, I would have defiantly made it look like I was really annoyed and hated the movie. I wouldn't laugh at the corny jokes that are in the movie, I would act really confused at the stupid script, and laugh really loud and obnoxiously when the 'mother' shark appears for the first time because it's so stupid that its funny. I would try my hardest to make sure that the observers recognized how dumb I thought the movie was. If I was the producer, I would have not even produced the movie or I would have changed a lot of things such as the corny jokes, crappy acting, and VERY FAKE sharks. Jaws 3 is a very good example of why test screening should be happening in media.

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