Thursday, April 21, 2011

Drinking & Driving

Yes , we all know that drinking and driving is very bad. But I'm going to blog about the more emotional damage it can do you rather than the physical damage everyone talks about. Of course physical damage is just as big part in drinking & driving as the emotional and moral damage - but I would like to address the emotional factor. I always remember when I was younger I was told that my father had a big scar on his face from his car breaking down and going out of control, but now that I'm older I found out that it was because of him drinking and driving. This had an impact on me of course because one, I was mad that I was lied to and secondly the fact that it was something so stupid he did made me upset and my respect level of him went down. I think people who drink and drive are either really stupid, or just have huge problems and need help. Emotional factors such as; family problems, relationship problems, friendship problems, work, social life, etc can all play a role into why people drink and drive. I believe if we had more people that are willing to help out others then the count for drunk drivers would decrease a little bit more. Before the event occurs, many things could be running through the drivers head such as " why am I doing this?" , "who am I?", and "what the hell is wrong with me?". After the event happens, I believe the driver is an emotional wreck especially if they got into an accident. They would have that guilty feeling with them for the rest of their lives, think about it everyday, and wish they hadn't of done it. I believe drinking and driving can be stopped. Call a friend, family member or take a cab. Don't ever drive when you have been drinking!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Relationships play a big role in our everyday lives these days, and it seems like their getting more popular as the years progress. Were surrounded by many relationships in the media, such as movie couples (example Jack and Rose in Titanic), News tabloids (Prince Charles, and Kate Middleton), Movie Stars (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), and even in your own home if your parents are still together, or your siblings are in a relationship. At this age I believ the most that we see relationships are in our friends group. This has great effect on people that are single because I think that it makes them feel pressured to be in a relationship. Lately all my friends that are in a relationship (including family members) are having troubles about their significant other, and find it easy to talk to talk to me about their problems. I was okay with it at first but now I am really getting annoyed with them because all they do is complain about each other. I believe that media has portrayed our values about relationships because people expect them to be 'perfect' like in the romantic comedy movies. It promotes unrealistic expectations for your relationship, which in the end weakens your emotional levels. The article from BBC "Rom-coms 'spoil your love life'' says that " They found fans of films such as Runaway Bride and Notting hill often fail to communicate with their partner after watching the movie.'. This is a perfect example of how media is changing our values of relationships. In this picture above, it looks like this couple is so happy and that nothing else in the world matters to them besides each other. This is nice to know that there are still couples out there that know what true love is, and still have it in their lives. Yet again this couple could of been taken for an advertisement and there is no true love involved, and is portraying our values of a perfect relationship.

Friday, April 1, 2011


The movie beastly is a remake of Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast. It is more modern and obviously does not have cartoon characters but has real people as actors. I watched it with my friend and her step mom, and we all really enjoyed it. I like how it was in modern times because I could relater to it. The main character is a senior at High School, who is popular and goodlooking but way to cocky. He think that the world evolves around him, and that everyone should bend down as he walks by. I have a friend that reminds me of him because he's the exact same way, and I get really annoyed by him. In the movie the cocky boy gets turned into a very ugly boy because of a curse that his highschool enemy put on him ( she's a witch). I would like this to happen to my friend so he can realise that it's not all about looks and popularity, but something more deep than that. In the end the ugly boy finds his true love, and learns how to treat his new found love in a proper, gentleman-like manner. I feel as though this story is great for all audiences and should be appropriate for all age groups to watch. There are many lessons to learn from this movie and the few that i got from it are: love should be more than just looks, treat everyone with the same respect, do not judge people, and make room to grow from new experiences. This was a great movie and i give it a 4.5 stars!