Friday, March 25, 2011


'Man I love college' lyrics from Asher Roth. In highschool, college life seems unreal. Partying, no guardians, new friends, new experiences, etc. I believe highschool kids believe this because of songs and movies such as I love college by Asher Roth, and Animal House. I, myself have many friends that are in college and university and say it really isn't like the movies and songs describe it to be. They say that much work and studying is to be done, so they cannot party to hard or they will see their moeny go down the drain - which would not make them happy. I applied to college for this fall, and it has been one hard road! I applied to 5 colleges: Canadore, Cambrian, George Brown, Georgian, and Fanshawe. I applied to take a dental hygiene course. I had to travel to Barrie to write an aptitude HOAE exam at the georgian campus for them and Canadore, then I had to travel to Toronto to write a seperate exam just for George Brown. This was a very tiring experience trying to get it off work, and studying extra hard. Also the program is very high demanding so it is really hard to get into, so therefore it was late acceptances. I have gotten 2 letters so far saying I am on the waiting list for Canadore and Georgian, as well as an offer of admissions for Georgian's program Pre-Health. I am waiting to accept that because I may hear something from the other colleges I have applied to! So with all this stress from applying for college, writing extra exams for college, and waiting to be accepted for college- I hope I have just a good of time as Asher Roth and the gang of Animal House did while they were in College.

Facebook or Creepbook?

In todays society, if you don't have facebook your considered to be abnormal. Over 250 million people are connected on facebook over the world! Sure facebooks good to reconnect with old friends&family members, let others know what your up to (status updates), share photos and links, discuss with other people in groups, create events, chat, etc. But who knew there could be a bad side to facebook?! First off it can emotionaly tear you apart if you don't know your limit! Let's say if your ex boyfriend is still one of your friends and you can see his updates it will probably break you down if your still not over him. Secondly privacy is a big issue on facebook. If you do not have your account private settings accustomed this could be a very bad situation for yourself. An example of this would be letting a complete stranger see everything on your profile (status updates, links, AND PICTURES), this could lead to either really creepy situations such as friend requests from creepers you don't know or getting stalked by some creepy 50 year old man. Another point of why I think you should limit yourself to the useage of facebook is because a lot of drama starts on there! Because girls will start something behind a computer screen but not to your face - and they will do it for the whole facebook community to see! Also videos and pictures of fights are posted, as well as what the people look like after fights are displayed, making it easy to comment on and bully the person, creating a whole new 'cyber' fight. Also what really annoys me is that everything now a days has to be 'facebook official', meaning if you didnt see it on facebook then it's more than likely not true. Also I find it really annoying when people update their status more than once a day, it just gets really old and super annoying. In conclusion facebook has it's ups and down, and it can be a useful tool if used in proper moderation.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our Values

Values are what is important to us: family, education, justice, equality, love, physical fitness, honesty, loyalty, friendship, etc. I feel that my values are very important to me and the fact that media has a big influence on them makes me want to be careful on what I consider a real value in a real life calue situation. I think that "The Simpsons" tv show is a perfect example of what can portray peoples values into believing that the Simpsons have a perfect family. A nucleur family is displayed in this show, because Homer and Marg are still together, have 3 kids (Bart, Lisa, and Maggy), as well as a cat and dog. This can effect the audience in a way that makes them feel that their family is not as good, functional, and as normal of a family as The Simpsons are. This could change their entire values of their own family, making their feelings not so great towards their family. The role of the wife and husband are pretty simple, the wife Marg, does the cooking, cleaning, and laundry where Homer works, they get into some fights, but in the end they love each other. The older brother and sister (Lisa and Bart) don't get along that well, but when they do, everything is perfect like a brohter and sister role "should be". The Family acts well together such as when Bart and Homer fight, they make up right after. Homer treats Lisa like she's a little angel, and Marg trys to treat the kids (including Maggie) with equal respect. I feel like this is not a show I should take seriously about the values shown, because I think my family is perfect the way we are, and don't need to be changed because a different opinion of what I have seen on a TV show.